The last thousand years of European history is an effigy of European man being hacked to pieces as it spins ‘round by the merciless blade of world reality.
Earlier tonight I was reading about Evola, a philosopher many right-wing politickers like to talk about and one which we have all variously learned of by osmosis. Social media accounts espousing his aestheticism are a dime a dozen, and the feds love to ban anything that even resembles his work. Trust me: you know what Evola looks like, unless you literally live under a rock.
I have plenty of stomach to read about most of the ideas Evola espouses, unlike many who will shudder and close the book upon finding out how racist, misogynistic and anti-Semitic he is. The more I read through it though, the more I started to ask myself, “what went wrong here?” Something was clearly off, and it’s the kind of thing that is so obvious you would miss it with your nose buried in the pages. Something about this makes it so laughable online, right?
I like to think a lot about European history because I believe in the value of heritage, of which the place is mine. It matters tremendously to me what happened and why. If I can’t make sense of my heritage, how do I know who I am? I’m not interested in crackpot historiographies about Hyperborea. I want to know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God.
The crazy thing I realised is, even the strongest steelman still leaves one empty-handed with his worldview in tow. Even if you take as verboten all of the premises about female subjugation and race, the worldview just doesn’t crank. Even with a fully loaded quiver the bolts somehow just don’t fire. Why is that?
I think it’s because, like so many others in European politics in the last thousand years, they have conveniently forgotten something. This phenomenon of hubris that dates back to the late Roman Republic is something I like to call the Westminster error, but I am sure it has analogues in many, if not all, European cultures of note.
Their political systems were defective and forgot or suppressed some people in ways that ruined them in the long run. How many people fled the United Kingdom for America over the last 400 years? Who were they? What did they do? Where are their children today? There are many answers to this, but one thing is for certain: they’re not in the United Kingdom. They’re not paying British taxes, or furthering British hopes and dreams. The original reason is, Britain didn’t want them, and would have otherwise condemned them to death. They chose life in the only way they could.
The Westminster error is the result of an unresolved political problem: the people and political culture of Europe is not compatible with the ruthless, pragmatic authoritarianism of Julius Caesar. Hell, it’s not even too crazy to say it is incompatible with Italy itself – how did it work out for them in the long run? Not very well, I’d say. Did you forget something?
The flood of Indian economic opportunist illegals into the UK is only the latest logical step of an island government resolute about sooner unmaking itself than acknowledging their Downton Abbey approach to political life is an unsustainable aberration. Everyone with a brain fled to America because there they at least had hope. What is the UK doing nowadays?

When I look at countries like South Africa going up in flames, I don’t just see a denial of reality with regard to race relations. I see Europeans who don’t want to deal with the world as it really is. They’re afraid to admit as a matter of pragmatism that maybe the Bantus that moved in after the Afrikaners really can’t manage themselves, paralysed by the fear that it will vindicate Hitler’s ghost and cause a racial Armageddon. The reality is sadder and more mundane: Hitler is dead, and he’s not coming back. It’s 2023. What are you going to do now?
Even if Whites are somehow magically superior, what difference does it make? Europe is still on the decline, and Nordic fanfiction isn’t helping abate that. What are you going to do? Hedge on China World Superpower? Run a racist meme account? Are you gonna start a podcast or write a book? Become a vagabond trust fundie and travel the world? How about a new diet you can blow yourself up on social media?
I don’t know about you, but these days I find myself paying my monthly rent obligation to BlackRock. I wish I was joking, and no, I don’t have an investment portfolio. They own most of my neighbourhood, including my house. What are they doing with that money? Apparently, they’re banding together with their fellow criminal friends on Wall Street penning a letter to sleepy crooked Joe to give the migrants in NYC a whole kit and caboodle of welfare. These guys have better dental care than I do and show it in viral videos of them jumping the fence.

If the stars were ever aligned for us in the first place, they’re falling out of focus fast. European history is dominated by the incidence of war, but for what? America is a strange thing because for the first time it meant the poor weren’t condemned to die in a ditch for some warlord in Westminster that never even knew their names. For blacks, it meant a hard break from the African history of tribal warfare all the same. The founding purpose of America seems to be homeland serenity. What are we doing with that gift?
Where is our government of the people, by the people, and for the people? Do you know how hard it is for me to believe in that when I have to put cold hard cash into an ATM to wire it to BlackRock so they can advocate to the White House for my total destruction? Even if I never heard of criminals like Nancy Pelosi or Mitch McConnell before in my life, and was some kind of harebrained Boomercon American patriot who thinks corruption died with Nixon’s impeachment, how can I believe that when I am paying to have my livelihood destroyed? Where are these checks and balances we’re told of? Why is America repeating the same Westminster error that ruined Europe?
I don’t have the answers for this, but I am bound and determined to start with an honest look. Most right-wing works have utterly failed at this because they failed to properly account for my people, and not to mention other peoples like the African-Americans out of some lazy racism. A pragmatic European would have a humane answer to the people problems laid out here. Where is he?