This story came to me as I was heading to bed, and I thought it was far too coherent to let it disappear into the ether of my dreams. It’s a window into my sentiments as an Anglo-American living in the current century. It came to me in Captain Dummy talk, so I penned it in Captain Dummy talk. Deal with it… and enjoy.
Once upon a time, Anglo and Jew got together and rule the world.
For hundred year, they brothers in arms. Jew not cheat on Anglo, Anglo not cheat on Jew.
Anglo very happy with this. Anglo believe in justice and equality, but also money.
Jew very happy with this. Nice break from persecution round the world. Also like money.
In middle of twenty century, Anglo and Jew renew vows. Germany defeat together by them, and condemn Holocaust never to forget.
But since then all not well for Anglo and Jew.
Actually, Anglo very mad at Jew lately. Lots of reasons.
Anglo gets into argument with Jew. Says he not doing right.
Jew is defensive because being argued at.
Anglo gets incredulous. Holds up effigy of Sam Bankman. Of Jon Greenblatt. Of Martin Shkreli. Of Jeff Epstein.
Anglo say “What the hell is this.”
Jew not sure how to respond. Wants to rationalise. Say not me. But Anglo know better. Anglo says he can’t do it alone. Says they need each other. Why they got together in first place. Anglo believed Jew was smart, and given a fair shot would win and did. Now Jew is not doing his part.
The evasion make Anglo even more mad. Quarrel continue.
Anglo start to question what he and Jew had together. Said it was a good thing, now Jew blow it up with pride and ego.
Again Jew is defensive. Not want to admit fault because face must be save.
This make Anglo white hot angry. Anglo points around to looting and leftism. Anglo scream about how nobody believe Jeffrey suicide. Everyone watch his lady Maxwell get off. No client list. So many other thing.
Again Jew is not wanting to admit fault. It is not all of them, he is right. Anglo say what does it matter. Everything falling apart anyway.
At point, Anglo begin to question friendship with Jew. Say he not sure if everyone else was right about him.
Anglo instantly recoils. He does not know if he really think that. Understands what he just implied.
Now Anglo is very upset. Said thing he probably didn’t mean. Jew is very incredulous now.
Anglo regroup and says something must change. He says Jew is not courage enough to fight the Sam Bankman or the Jeff Epstein.
Jew is not sure. It hard for Jew to have courage. Jew is like David, not Goliath. Was kind of counting on Anglo for that.
Now Anglo is totally withdrawn. He says not sure about anything anymore. Not even himself. Mixture of guilt and shame take over.
Anglo gets sad. Says that he can’t do it alone. Too many enemies. Not enough smart people without Jew as friend.
Maybe Anglo drink, or sleep. Anglo says without Jew, he give up. Can’t run world alone. Really, doesn’t want to.
Anglo says if things not get better, Anglo doesn’t want help shield Jew from anti-Semites any more.
Anglo becomes distant from Jew, no longer so trusting. Anglo turn attention to race, family and economy. Anglo stop caring about old political friendship had with Jew.
And so the tree wilts. This is crisis.