For as long as nature has been, life has in a sense been a game of winners and losers. So too is this true with human society, exemplified in the Boomer Bible’s notion of chosen nations – in contrast to the Others. Poor bastards.
The future is shining on a few peoples: the Arabs, the Anglo-Americans, and the Indonesians. But why?
For the Arabs, the answer lies in Saudi Arabia. Their success has less directly to do with their Custodianship than it does the bedrock of Bedouin culture: being masters of the desert and world-class augments of merchants needing to cross it. Historically, this desert was literal, and the crossing was between the East and the West; now the desert is metaphorical for the very same crossing. The Arabs glow with their God’s glory when they have a strong and competent chieftain, and they indeed have it in Mohammed bin Salman. This is their song to play, and they can play it so long as the modern world can be meaningfully understood as a harsh yet bearable desert.
Indonesia has often been called a sleeping giant of a country, for its massive reserves of culture which match that of India and dwarf most others on Earth. For most of the modern era it has been humourously described as being ‘at a crossroads’ – nobody really knows what to make of the country, and that is why it has the wherewithal to become something much larger than anyone currently expects. Its extraneousness and illegibility obscure how massive of a nation it is, how much cultural muscle it is truly packing, which you would know if you have lived crossed between its world and the outside as I have. We may not see it grow to its fullest extent even within my lifetime, but it will soon enough, and the world should be shuddering with anticipation. Indonesia will one day turn out to be the nation better befitting the allegories of Napoleon than China.
Lastly, we have the Anglo-Americans. The reason I did not say Americans unqualified is because America itself is in a kind of interregnum due to the intrusion of Germans: either outright European diaspora or opportunistic German-Americans mimicking them. To whatever extent this continues, it will hamper America’s role as steward of the swords. For what it’s worth I am optimistic this will not continue, because Anglos high and low will not stand for it, which leads me to their gift that no other European tribe could ever match: the mastery of the seas. While the shadow of World War II bears a clear inheritance from the British Empire in a literal mastery of the seas, the future of America will, like the desert is for the Arabs, become more metaphorical as time goes on and the needs of the human race change. Its stewardship of the seas should not falter, just as the Emirates still literally provide transit all the same today, but rather the meaning of its mission with the oceans will deepen and become more totalising as time marches on.
In the far future I envision a political union of the Arabs and the Anglos through the eventual stewardship of the polar regions and the Moon. This leaves the Indonesians, standing athwart the cosmos, with the potential to become far larger than any other culture in power and relevance, if they can rise to the table and try to participate. Their handicaps will make this a very slow process, appearing glacial to everyone, but it will happen if they try at all, because they have been socially unsundered by the enlightenments of the other two peoples. Indonesians have the potential to retain the societal harmony they have through a delicate balance between materialist secular society and diverse religiosity, stewarding the psyches of humanity in the future.
The Germans, whether in America, Germany or Israel, are not to be so relevant to the future of humanity. It’s important that their meddling in America be checked to stop them from impeding our progress. To a great extent, the same can be said for all of continental Europe, and perhaps even the British Isles. The only way for such people to escape the fate of irrelevancy on the world stage is to abandon their descent past Nietszche and assimilate into Anglo-American culture for now.
I am excited for the future, as it appears to shine on me and my kin. This is a great future for everyone on Earth of all cultures, to have such wonderful shepherds being lifted above the horizon by God. I hope you look forward to it as much as I do.